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Capoeira ‘n’ Yoga Camp Summer 2018
August 23, 2018 @ 8:00 am - August 29, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
Oi Galera Bonita & Dear Yogis
Announcing our first Capoeira ‘n’ Yoga Camp this Summer 2018 at the beautiful Ferme Bleu in Montigny Lencoup, that is located in the Department Sena e Marne, just one hour South East from Paris.
Date: 23.-29.08.2018
Service: 6 x Accomodation/ Full pension & snacks (!)
5 x 2 5 x 2 Yoga/ Meditations-Sessions with Moussa Makroui/ Instrutor Latino, Yoga Sattva, morning & evening,
5 x 1 Capoeira Training/ Roda with Mestre Porquinho, Companhia Pernas Pro Ar, in the afternoons
Optional: Trips; lake for bathing (3 Km) (perfect spot for Yoga Sessions and Rodas and midnight swimming of course), Fontainbleau’s forest and city (famous Boulder spot) (30 Km) historical city Provins (UNESCO World Cultural Heritage) (24 Km)
As we could only make a limited reservations at our marvellous farm where we stay, play and enjoy La Ferme Bleu, please register – the sooner the better – and save money.
Registration: Email > frau_matschullies@posteo.de
Journey: Thursday, 23.08. in the afternoon – Leaving day is Wednesday, the 29.08. in the morning after breakfast.
By Car: One hour Southwards from Paris: Highway A5/ Exit 17 Forges. Coming from Köln/ Düsseldorf the journey takes 550 km (6 hours)
By train: Thalys Köln – Paris: since 60 €
From Paris: Train Transilien & Taxi: Paris, Gare de Est to Main station/ Gare de Nangis, ( 45 minutes). Price: Zone 5, less than 10 €. The train departs every hour starting at 6h46, 7H46… until 22h46. Going back from Nangis to Paris Gare de Est the same: 6h17, 7h17… 22h17.
In Nangis, You catch a Taxi to Ferme du Ravin Bleu, 7, Rue Turgot, 77520 Montigny Lencoup, (12 minutes), Price: 20 €. / 3-4 Personen in one Taxi, so 5 € for each.
Taxi Reservation: +33 0681772431 oder +33 0637915234 Location: Ferme du Ravin Bleu, 7, Rue Turgot. 77520 Montigny-Lencoup /
More information/ website: http://www.ravinbleu.org Locations/ shops
You can achieve in 5 minutes by foot: Farmacy, Boulangerie/ Bakery, Epicerie/ Mini Market for vegetables & fruits. There a also numerous trekking trails in the farm area.